22 December 2006

this, i didn't make up... ouch

Your Christmas is Most Like: How the Grinch Stole Christmas

You can't really get into the Christmas spirit...

But it usually gets to you by the end of the holiday.

i'm a what ??

You Are an Appletini

Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.

But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal.

21 December 2006

Bonne année ou bonne fin d'année ?

Le débat... et-ce que ça apporte la poisse de dire bonne année aux personnes avant la nouvelle année ? Il parait que oui... C'est la première fois que j'entends cela. Et vous, ça vous dit quelque chose ?

il existe les faux blogs...

Attention ! Sony a créé un blog pour attirer l'attention à son produit pour les fêtes de fin d'année...

19 December 2006

Diversity scholarships to join elite Eating Clubs?

Yep, Princeton University decided to allocate scholarships to juniors and seniors who wanted to join the famous independent eating clubs. Their cost is about $2,000 more than the cafeteria, but allow students to partake in social activities. The goal is to increase the diversity of the eating clubs. I did my graduate work across the street from many eating clubs. Their lavish preparations for Friday night social "activities" and the necessary clean-up on Saturday mornings (of plastic cups, beer bottles and other human waste) make me thrilled that I contribute to that university fund...

Read this for more information on the eating clubs "bicker" system.

Ivy Hall, one of the campuses oldest eating clubs, only allowed its first female members in 1991, after a US Supreme court ruling (refusing to review a NJ Supreme Court ruling that all-male membership violated state civil rights laws).

Oh and here's another glorious moment for the Ivy Club.

ce n'est pas de l'art contemporain...

les sdf ont des nouvelles tentes au bord du canal saint martin. pour noël...

20 November 2006

Les aristochats

Steve Carrell

17 November 2006

Ça sera Ségo contre Sarko ?

Le Superman français gagne le titre en Thaïlande

In Bangkok, 41-year-old Philippe Hortion wins Strongman 2006 title after pulling three pick-up trucks over 15 metres, lifting 96-kilogram metal pipes over his head five times within two minutes, flipping a 350kg tractor tire four times in two minutes, carrying a 100kg log for 10-metres and placing a 100-kilogramme container on a table. See the news broadcast. The guys are very big and very strong.

13 November 2006

Judge Locke rules burrito rules

WORCESTER, Mass. - Is a burrito a sandwich? The Panera Bread Co. bakery-and-cafechain says yes. But a judge said no, ruling against Panera in its bid to prevent a Mexican restaurant from moving into the same shopping mall. Panera has a clause in its lease that prevents the White City Shopping Center inShrewsbury from renting to another sandwich shop. Panera tried to invoke that clause to stop the opening of an Qdoba Mexican Grill.But Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Locke cited Webster's Dictionary as well astestimony from a chef and a former high-ranking federal agriculture official in ruling that Qdoba's burritos and other offerings are not sandwiches. The difference, the judge ruled, comes down to two slices of bread versus one tortilla."A sandwich is not commonly understood to include burritos, tacos and quesadillas, which are typically made with a single tortilla and stuffed with achoice filling of meat, rice, and beans," Locke wrote in a decision released last week.

In court papers, Panera, a St. Louis-based chain of more than 900 cafes, arguedfor a broad definition of a sandwich, saying that a flour tortilla is bread and that a food product with bread and a filling is a sandwich. Qdoba, owned by San Diego-based Jack in the Box Inc., called food experts to testify on its behalf. Among them was Cambridge chef Chris Schlesinger, who said in an affidavit: "Iknow of no chef or culinary historian who would call a burrito a sandwich. Indeed, the notion would be absurd to any credible chef or culinary historian."

(story from the Boston Globe)

05 November 2006

Borat meets Becky Anderson of CNN

Borat interview

So you thought that was funny....

Try this for a good laugh...

Bebemoche finds the original "treadmill dance" video by the band Ok-Go...

They seem to have found a nitch for these dancing videos à la Bowie - check out "A Million Ways" on http://thewilltorock.blogspot.com/.

29 October 2006

Attention à Sarko

Vidéo en français compilation de discours publics du Ministre de l'intérieur Nicolas Sarkozy.

26 October 2006

Everyone loves Borat

You must check out the first four minutes of the Borat movie. Sortie nationale en France le 15 novembre.

24 October 2006

Une larme et un sourire

I found out this morning that Doug Weiss passed away on September 25. He was my trainer in college when I injured my knee in a skiing accident. Even though I was not a top-notch student athlete, he brought me back to the tennis team within 6 months after my ACL operation and taught me that weights were for girls, too. His intelligence, humor and tirelessness, despite his debilitating disease, were felt by the entire Swarthmore community who had the chance of meeting him during his tenure. I am sad to miss the Meeting on November 3, yet thinking of Doug today brings back fond memories of my time hanging out in the trainer's room.

Au revoir, Doug.

21 October 2006

Vacances dans le Lubéron

Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénaque

Le pont du Gard

Lunch from the market

Séguret - village classé près de Gigondas

quelle bonne idée !

Best way to lose a new girlfriend

To spend one hour at work talking to her about your divorce that happened eight years ago, while playing Tetris.

Fancy jeans in France - washing instructions

"Ce jean est une production unique, finie à la main et vous donnera des années de plaisir. Cependant, la vie de ce jean est de la moitié de celle d'un autre jean car il a déjà été abimé pour obtenir sa couleur. Pour une meilleur preservation de sa teinte unique, ne pas laver son jean pendant les premiers trois mois qui suivent son achat."

Cost 250 EUR. (since you save three months worth of detergent and the jean lasts half as long as other jeans - cost is probably 270 EUR.)

Cousin says get bigger butt or tighter jeans.

Uh... I barely fit into them as it. Cousin's response: buy jeans you can't close up all the way in the store - they'll stretch out over time for the "perfect fit".

How to determine where to go on your next holiday?

1. Go to your local public library.
2. Check out the travel section and choose a continent or two.
3. Grab all the lonely planet books - easy to recognise: big print with country name on the side.
4. Stack them at your house and stare until one country's name goes fuzzy.
5. You have a winner!

11 September 2006

The 80s are back...

Raunchy sex lyrics prompt teens to start having sex, study says
Whether it's hip-hop, rap, pop or rock, its influence on their behavior appears to depend on how the sex is portrayed, researchers found.

“If our lord wasn't testing us, how would you account for the proliferation these days of this obscene rock and roll music, with its gospel of easy sexuality and relaxed morality?”
- Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow)

Instead of listening to music on the radio of a pickup truck, Kevin Bacon could have had an i-pod full of unhealthy tunes.

07 August 2006

Paris doppelganger is still depressed from being dumped by underage girlfriend 6 months ago

"I don't get it," he says. "She ch-ch-ch-chose me; I didn't choose her. Why would she leave me?"

In an authorised interview, the former girlfriend, who recently turned 16, revealed: "Uh, well you know, it's like, not cool any more man, to date someone with grey hair who doesn't look like George Clooney. That's so passé. Anyway I don't have time for a BF. I need to work on looking like Paris or Nicole - I can't decide which one I prefer."

02 August 2006

Euro confetti used at wedding from defective bills only

Sète, a beach town near Montpellier in the southwest of France, was the scene of a municpal scandal due to a lavish wedding on July 8th. Guests attending the wedding of a successful local businessman threw 1 kilogram of confetti made of defective Euro bills to wish success to the new married couple. Local residents are upset over this 'amoral' use of fake bills. "Normally, the Bank of France shreds them and puts them in the trash," said a representative of the family. "Here at least we get pretty colours and don't have to pick up grains of rice." Local teenager argues "I could have taped those pieces together and sold them on Ebay."

More articles here:
South African press
Weird news

Long lines at 4 Chinese delis open in August create nems shortage in Paris

Fonctionnaire (civil servant) tells French workers to not take holidays in August: Strike at bay

Work breaks eating up time between coffee, lunch and afternoon tea

25 July 2006

Will office plants survive congés annuels ?

4 plant leaves sitting in plastic dixie cups filled with water are showing signs of depression and listlessness. They struggle to survive during the annual holiday of their office owner, growing roots out of the same water as last week. The plants' owner left the leaves behind in "la clim" (akin to death for these tropical plants) with two unattentive office mates, who clearly ignore any of plants' needs. Save the leaves!

Found: George Michael!

Although British tabloids suggest George Michael is at the center of another sexual "scandal" (leading his gay partner to call off their wedding scheduled for later this year), he was observed in the 15th arrondissement in Paris washing windows of an office building. The gold hoop earring in his right ear, the short brushed hair cut and the white wifebeater are unique identifying features.

17 July 2006

Lady Liberty changes name, state: rebaptised Lady Liberation converts to Christianity in Memphis

Lady Liberation welcomes you to Hickory Hill and the World Overcomers Church.

See http://www.thestatueofliberationthroughchrist.org/home.htm

Across the street from the church is a convenience store where Mary Preyer is a manager. She's eager to see the statue unveiled, but says its funding could have been put to better use for the neighborhood.

11 July 2006

La déception continue sur le coup de boule

Not a single paper dared to point out Zizou's nasty fall. He is too much of a deity (around the world) that the press will not point fingers at him and accuse him of being selfish, unprofessional, disrespectful of football. I can go on for hours. I am furious.

- Sa réaction est compréhensible, tant il a subi le combat constant des défenseurs italiens, mais pas excusable. (L'équipe)

- -Pierre Escalettes ne veut même pas le savoir. «Mettons nous à la place des gens. Il ne faut pas critiquer sans arrêt, il faut essayer de comprendre, a indiqué le président de la FFF. [...] Escalettes «n'excuse pas» le geste du capitaine tricolore mais «il ne le blâme pas». « Ça nous est arrivé à d'autres niveaux, là c'est en finale de la Coupe du monde, mais ne tirons pas sur l'artiste.» (l'équipe)

- Jacques Chirac a rendu un hommage appuyé à leur "exceptionnel" capitaine Zinedine Zidane. "Cher Zinedine Zidane, ce que je veux dire, au moment le plus intense peut-être, à un moment dur de votre carrière, c'est l'admiration, c'est l'affection de la nation tout entière, son respect aussi", a lancé le président, saluant un "virtuose", un "génie du football mondial" doublé d'un "homme de coeur, d'engagement, de conviction".

Comme sourd à cet hommage au lendemain de son expulsion à la 111e minute de la finale sur carton rouge, Zinedine Zidane avait l'air fermé, la tête baissée, les yeux rivés au sol. L'ancien champion du monde 1998 prend sa retraite sportive à l'issue de ce Mondial. (Libé)

At the very least:
- Réponse, c'est promis, dans quelques jours. Selon son agent, Alain Miggliaccio, Zinédine Zidane devrait très bientôt s'expliquer sur les raisons de son acte. Le Français a expliqué à son agent que "Materazzi avait dit quelque chose de très grave mais il n'a pas dit quoi". "C'est un homme qui normalement laisse passer au-dessus de lui ces choses mais, dimanche soir, quelque chose a explosé en lui, a poursuivi l'agent de Zidane. Il était très déçu et triste. Il ne voulait pas que ça se termine comme ça". (Le Monde, 10/07/2006)

10 July 2006

Zidane - ange ou démon?

Raymond Domenech (au micro de Canal+) : «Je suis profondément déçu. On ne peut être que déçu, par le parcours, par le match, par le final. Sur la qualité du jeu, on le méritait. Seule la victoire est belle et il nous a manqué un petit quelque chose. L'objectif, c'était d'aller au bout. On peut dire que c'est pas mal, mais ce sont les Italiens qui sont champions du monde. Ils ont mis un acharnement pour arriver aux tirs au but. Pour eux, c'était la seule issue possible. Dans le jeu, je n'ai pas grand chose à dire : il aurait fallu que la tête de Zizou ne soit pas sortie pas Buffon. Materrazzi, c'est l'homme du match, ce n'est pas Pirlo. Le faire finir de cette manière, c'est triste. Il a fait une grande carrière, une grande Coupe du monde. Quand on +prend+ (sic) comme lui pendant 1h20 et que l'arbitre laisse gentiment faire, on comprend. On n'excuse pas mais on comprend. Pour demain, si c'est moi qui décide, on ne fait pas de défilé. Il y a 30 ans on a défilé pour une défaite, alors je ne préfère pas.» Le sélectionneur a ensuite ironisé sur l'expulsion de Zidane. L'arbitre et ses assistants n'avaient selon lui rien vu du geste de l'ancien Madrilène, et c'est alors le 4e arbitre qui a pris la décision en visionnant les images. «Vive l'arbitrage vidéo» a conclu Domenech.
(L'équipe 09/07/2006)

06 July 2006


On est en finale!

Le plus dur des matchs de la coupe du monde 2006...

Les Bleus se sont battus, ils se sont défendus, ils se sont fait refoulés de nombreuses fois, mais avec un peu de chance sur un penalty douteux mais juste, ils ont réussi à arriver en finale.

27 June 2006

Mozzarella strikes again...

Hmmmm.... tastes even better like a lollipop

"I'm 51 and don't need a CV" asserts driver

Who needs a CV when one is past 50? Not me asserts the driver. "I have a title which is Head of Division. Why would I need a CV? I have obviously made my mark to get here."

25 June 2006

Orange + Kimya Dawson/Moldy Peaches (+ Adam)

Her very excellent song "Anyone else but you" (listen to it here) is being used in France for ads for Orange, the cellular operator, during FIFA games. Not really sure what the ad has to do with the lyrics... Any interpretations would be helpful. I wonder who is behind this since she is very popular in France and has loads of music connections here.

23 June 2006

New office game

Try it it's rewarding, relaxing and fun!
Object: calculate time it takes you to fall asleep while staring at the desk.
Rules: No moving allowed (except head nodding and drooling), otherwise anything goes.
Premise for disqualification: You snore, you lose.
Best record: The driver, 8 seconds.

Answers to life's questions

on God's Pottery, by two humble American lads. and on myspace.

(Sorry, bebemoche, I had to spread the word. Had forgotten how hysterical these guys are.)

15 June 2006

Guantanamo PR campaign finds its match

Slightly more than one month after the US launched a Guantanamo PR campaign to improve the image of the detention center for alleged terrorists, three prisoners commit suicide. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, Colleen Graffy, called the suicides a "good PR move." The camp commander Rear Adm Harris called the suicides an act of asymmetrical warfare."

This is not a story from the Onion. Although her title could be...

14 June 2006

Ban Glitter music

Sign the petition here.

Gary Glitter has been accused and/or convicted of pedophilia in Asian countries (Thailand, Vietnam) after fleeing home country (UK) where he was found with child pornographic images.

Royalties earned at sporting events for playing his song "Rock 'n Roll part II" directly support his crimes.

What does it take for society to realise how to protect children? Finally Asian countries have put out massive ad campaigns indicating that foreigners accused of pedophilia will be prosecuted in those countries as well as possibly in their home country. (German sex tourism is notably gaining momentum, targeting the enjoyment of prostitution as an "activity." I saw busloads of male-only German tourists in Bangkok - scary thought.)

Ode to Giraffes (in Kenya)

Three months later... Lots of photos from Kenya are finally up where they belong.

One type (Masai?) in Lake Nakuru

Articulated giraffe in Samburu

Giraffe in Masai Mara

13 June 2006

Translated movie titles

Sometimes titles of foreign movies are translated in France. It seems pretty random which ones makes the cut, and even more which ones get transformed in the process. Literal translations are not perfect but so not bad - ie War of the Worlds is la Guerre des mondes; Guess who's coming to dinner - Devine qui vient dîner ? .

Some confusing ones: Crash became Collision, The Hudsucker Proxy became Le Grand Saut (the big jump or idiot if using the homonym), Something about Mary became Marie à tout prix, The Sweetest Thing became Allumeuse, On Golden Pond became La Maison du Lac etc.

This one is the best though (original title = Office Space):

("Working 35 hours is already too much; work is lame": refers to the existing 35 work-week regulation in France)

[By the way, the US does the same thing (e.g. Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain became Amélie Poulain).]

24 May 2006


in French - sortir d'une pièce comme un fou
literal translation in English - leaving a room like a mad person

in English - storming out of a room
literal translation in French - partir d'une pièce en tempête

This is in the context of my work - how many ways can one think about how to leave a room?

15 May 2006

la vraie Parisienne sets in...

Tourists in town are the best. You force yourself to get away from your work or house cleaning chores and spend your time showing off the beauties of Paris. Not difficult you say? you're right. but leave it to me to take them to one of my coveted eating spots le reminet which is needless to say in every US guidebook. I can't believe this NYTimes review says a friendly couple???!!!! Even in NY city standards, they are not friendly by any stretch of the imagination. Well the husband/cook is decent, but I think he might be afaid to show a nice side given that he is married to Morticia.

It's frustrating to me that Le Reminet serves some of the most innovative high caliber food with reasonable prices in Paris, yet the service is generally pretty crappy. Well to be fair, it's nice but cold. Morticia* runs the place and never smiles. the servers take after her. and i have seen her storm out and slam the door. and i have waited 45 minutes to 1 hour for a reserved table nearly very single time i go there. only to be seated at around 10:30pm. the food and wine list are impeccable, though, so I keep going back with tourists. and they love the food every time. but when Morticia asks me how everything went - i went French. 100%. I didn't even bother to be gracious and say the food was excellent. I went straight off on the fact that the food arrived too quickly, that we got the dessert menus before our plates were even cleared, etc and we shouldn't have to be rushed because we are seated late. Of course, she points out that 1h15 minutes for three courses is not rushed. oops. where do i think i am ? a 4 star restaurant? my bad? nope. a French woman is never wrong.

* Not her real name but the resemblance is uncanny.

10 May 2006

the best friends ever!!!

i know that i haven't been posting at all been very busy and i am currently taking a break at 2am from SAS programming to tell y'all how great my australian friends are!

sara, jason, dylan and nearly 1-year old sam): three cheers for them!!! not only did they host me for 10 days in their lovely house in annandale (and still consider me a friend), but they posted me a pack of tim tams - the original. the best cookies ever. just what i needed to get over the blues of working too much.

no comment...


20 April 2006

Kenya - day 8 - 10 Diani Beach, Mombassa

Spent three days relaxing, sleeping and enjoying warm weather. Who would have thought a safari was so tiring? The water is super warm, the beaches are empty. Mami and I were learning how to windsurf, until she fell onto a black sea urchin (papaya milk is the local remedy). Painful!! Went on two dives. Visibility not as good as Koh Tao, but we saw some large turtles, a school of baracuda, clown fish (nemos), an angel fish, a parrot fish and a lot of dead coral.

Mombassa - well I wouldn't make the effort to go to the old town. Not that interesting and too many tourist shops on a 300m long stretch . And it's a good 45 minute drive from Diani (all that lost beach time!). I preferred the old San Juan in Puerto Rico.... We did hit a great kanga fabric store - Mali Ya Abdulla on Biashara street - who apparently initiated adding Swahili sayings on the prints. I could have stayed there hours and bought so much more...

Road to Diani

soap facade to Diani

le père et son ami

Diani Ferry arrival

Full make-up and fashionable wear under the niqab (she took it off while waiting for the ferry to arrive. i can see the niqab's utility for the dust in mombassa.)

Useful information:
- Mombassa hotel (part of package) - Indian Ocean Beach Club - like all resorts in Diani, it is isolated from the town and is meant to be all inclusive. You can't walk out to dinner, but you can get a tuk-tuk to go out to the stores, etc. Hotel was excellent, food was pretty decent and always plentiful.

- Diving in Diani - most serious place was the Diani Marina - our hotel ried to make us dive with them but we later found out that you would have to go about an hour's drive before getting to a boat, etc. We did two dives right off the shore on the coral reef. An experienced diver said it wasn't worth goign to Pemba because the cost was so high and the fish were about the same as in Diani.

18 April 2006

Road photos - Kenya

Mount Kenya

North of Nairobi

On road to Samburu

Getting close to Samburu

Between Samburu and Mount Kenya region

Near Aberdares

Rift Valley cliff

Rain storm across the Rift Valley

Kenya - day 5 - 7 Masai Mara


jumping for a free woman

Sleeping beauty

Tanzania/Kenya border in Masai Mara - note land erosion!

16 April 2006

Kenya - day 4 + 5 - Lake Nakuru and Naivasha

Perfect stopping place between Masai Mara and Samburu - long drive but worth a quick peak. The colors on my colour film are fabulous (these photos are from the digital). We also stopped at a Presbyterian women's self-help project -- Nanyuki Spinners and Weavers -- where single women learn how to make sheep's wool into rugs, blankets and other home items. Their products are mostly purchased by tourists (like my mom, my sister and me), as the prices are quite high for local consumers. I remember some sign about the American government being involved in the center's opening (maybe they sponsored the building?).

Zebra on Lake Naivasha - animal sanctuary where Out of Africa was mostly filmed


A friendly old beast

Lake Nakuru