29 October 2006

Attention à Sarko

Vidéo en français compilation de discours publics du Ministre de l'intérieur Nicolas Sarkozy.

26 October 2006

Everyone loves Borat

You must check out the first four minutes of the Borat movie. Sortie nationale en France le 15 novembre.

24 October 2006

Une larme et un sourire

I found out this morning that Doug Weiss passed away on September 25. He was my trainer in college when I injured my knee in a skiing accident. Even though I was not a top-notch student athlete, he brought me back to the tennis team within 6 months after my ACL operation and taught me that weights were for girls, too. His intelligence, humor and tirelessness, despite his debilitating disease, were felt by the entire Swarthmore community who had the chance of meeting him during his tenure. I am sad to miss the Meeting on November 3, yet thinking of Doug today brings back fond memories of my time hanging out in the trainer's room.

Au revoir, Doug.

21 October 2006

Vacances dans le Lubéron

Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénaque

Le pont du Gard

Lunch from the market

Séguret - village classé près de Gigondas

quelle bonne idée !

Best way to lose a new girlfriend

To spend one hour at work talking to her about your divorce that happened eight years ago, while playing Tetris.

Fancy jeans in France - washing instructions

"Ce jean est une production unique, finie à la main et vous donnera des années de plaisir. Cependant, la vie de ce jean est de la moitié de celle d'un autre jean car il a déjà été abimé pour obtenir sa couleur. Pour une meilleur preservation de sa teinte unique, ne pas laver son jean pendant les premiers trois mois qui suivent son achat."

Cost 250 EUR. (since you save three months worth of detergent and the jean lasts half as long as other jeans - cost is probably 270 EUR.)

Cousin says get bigger butt or tighter jeans.

Uh... I barely fit into them as it. Cousin's response: buy jeans you can't close up all the way in the store - they'll stretch out over time for the "perfect fit".

How to determine where to go on your next holiday?

1. Go to your local public library.
2. Check out the travel section and choose a continent or two.
3. Grab all the lonely planet books - easy to recognise: big print with country name on the side.
4. Stack them at your house and stare until one country's name goes fuzzy.
5. You have a winner!