This is really funny - the France2 excuse is lame, but good practical joke on Sarkozy.
30 April 2007
"moi" = "inflated ego" in English
This is really funny - the France2 excuse is lame, but good practical joke on Sarkozy.
27 April 2007
Make that 3 times!!
26 April 2007
25 April 2007
Sarkozy dit ce soir...
pugnacité = ses qualités
pour ses defauts, ça serait "discourtois et tellement convenu" ("it would be rude and so conventional," presumably to give her faults)
that's what Nicolas Sarkozy thinks about Ségolène Royal's qualities (combativeness, sometimes used pejoratively).
See video of 45-minute interview on 26 April 2007 on TF1.
pour ses defauts, ça serait "discourtois et tellement convenu" ("it would be rude and so conventional," presumably to give her faults)
that's what Nicolas Sarkozy thinks about Ségolène Royal's qualities (combativeness, sometimes used pejoratively).
See video of 45-minute interview on 26 April 2007 on TF1.
Sarkozy et son porte parole, la ministre Rachida Dati
en effet ça craint... :)
à voir absoluement et prendre avec un grain de sel !!
Rachida Dati
à voir absoluement et prendre avec un grain de sel !!
Rachida Dati
24 April 2007
Le Pet Food scandale !
Alerte chats, chiens en danger ! Encore des victimes de la globalisation !
on en parle aux US depuis un mois, mais quasiment pas du tout en France. Et cependant, de nombreuses marques vendues en France sont fabriqués aux Etats-Unis (Iams, Science Diet, Hills, Eukanuba) et touchées par la crise alimentaire.
La trace d'un produit nocif utilisé pour la production de plastique a été trouvée dans la nourriture pour animaux et semble liée à la mort de plusieurs animaux doméstiques aux Etats-Unis. Ceci a entraîné un "pet food recall" de plus de 100 marques pour retirer les produits possiblement contaminés.
Pour voir les marques et les produits cités par le departement régulateur aux US (le FDA):
Les dernières nouvelles dans la presse:
Pour les dernières nouvelles datées du FDA 22 avril :
Les produits nocifs se trouvent dans le gluten de blé, les protéines de riz et de maïs. LIsez bien ce que vous donnez à manger à vos chers chats et chiens !
on en parle aux US depuis un mois, mais quasiment pas du tout en France. Et cependant, de nombreuses marques vendues en France sont fabriqués aux Etats-Unis (Iams, Science Diet, Hills, Eukanuba) et touchées par la crise alimentaire.
La trace d'un produit nocif utilisé pour la production de plastique a été trouvée dans la nourriture pour animaux et semble liée à la mort de plusieurs animaux doméstiques aux Etats-Unis. Ceci a entraîné un "pet food recall" de plus de 100 marques pour retirer les produits possiblement contaminés.
Pour voir les marques et les produits cités par le departement régulateur aux US (le FDA):
Les dernières nouvelles dans la presse:
Pour les dernières nouvelles datées du FDA 22 avril :
Les produits nocifs se trouvent dans le gluten de blé, les protéines de riz et de maïs. LIsez bien ce que vous donnez à manger à vos chers chats et chiens !
23 April 2007
j'attends le cinémà en plein air !!!
vite l'été vite...
Du 17 juillet au 26 août 2007
« Première classe et strapontin » ou comment
dans un contexte social, politique ou historique
déterminé on se fabrique une destinée. Million
dollar baby de Clint Eastwood, Historias Minimas
de l’Argentin Carlos Sorin, My fair lady de
George Cukor, Au loin s’en vont les nuages de
Aki Kaurismaki ou encore le dernier film de
Pedro Almodovar, Volver, seront à l’affiche.
Du 17 juillet au 26 août 2007
« Première classe et strapontin » ou comment
dans un contexte social, politique ou historique
déterminé on se fabrique une destinée. Million
dollar baby de Clint Eastwood, Historias Minimas
de l’Argentin Carlos Sorin, My fair lady de
George Cukor, Au loin s’en vont les nuages de
Aki Kaurismaki ou encore le dernier film de
Pedro Almodovar, Volver, seront à l’affiche.
22 April 2007
j'ai voté - une indécise en moins !!
it's always the same - been a few years since i had that feeling. heart races, permanent smile on my face, excitment, feeling of belonging with the crowd, i dunno it triggers the same effect every time. le vote. voting. j'adore....
presidential elections in France. we all want change, yet we are afraid of at what expense that change will occur. literally vacillating in the voting both, i don't think that i was that different from many of the other undecided voters.
bon le choix est fait - vive la démocratie !
à 17h00, le taux de participation est à 73,87 % !! bravo les français !
presidential elections in France. we all want change, yet we are afraid of at what expense that change will occur. literally vacillating in the voting both, i don't think that i was that different from many of the other undecided voters.
bon le choix est fait - vive la démocratie !
à 17h00, le taux de participation est à 73,87 % !! bravo les français !
17 April 2007
les français à l'étranger sur TV5
une émission avec Sarkozy et Bayrou en invités ce soir... ça change.
Foreign policy in France
Just the other day I was having a conversation about the fact that the presidential elections in France are surprisingly devoid of foreign policy (not including immigration), compared to the US. People here vote for the president according to the social and economic policy platforms, with little interest in Europe or beyond. The candidates do mention foreign policy issues from time to time, but not much in relation to the significance it has in the job posting. Presidents in France stand nearly alone when it comes to foreign policy, thanks to the Ve république.
Interesting article today in the IHT on the way foreign policy works in France.
A few comments:
1) on US-French cooperation on terrorism, the latest news this week revealed that French intelligence had obtained information regarding plans for the events that occured on September 11, which they shared with the CIA :
2) I think that Prof. Moravcsik unfairly evaluates Ségolène Royal's ability with foreign policy. Although she has might (arguably) have less "direct" experience in foreign policy, she made it a point in the early days of her presidential campaign to go to various countries (not without some controversy though). Sarkozy's first choice was the UK, not excatly a political minefield like Royal's choices of China, Lebanon and Senegal. She also bothered to write a letter to French voters who live abroad, although hers is dated 9 days after Sarkozy's letter.
3) Royal's biggest "foreign policy" gaffe is not mentioned in the article. She stated sometime last week that she would refuse to shake George Bush's hand as if nothing had ever happened, as if we didn't disagree on tactical and strategic issues. Silly, but mostly it was said to point out that Sarkozy had done just that.
4) An interesting addition to this article would have been an evaluation of the French opinion abroad. Le Monde provided a good analysis several weeks ago.
Interesting article today in the IHT on the way foreign policy works in France.
A few comments:
1) on US-French cooperation on terrorism, the latest news this week revealed that French intelligence had obtained information regarding plans for the events that occured on September 11, which they shared with the CIA :
"Dès janvier 2001, la direction d'Al-Qaida se montre néanmoins transparente aux yeux – et aux oreilles – des espions français. Les rédacteurs détaillent même les désaccords entre terroristes sur les modalités pratiques du détournement envisagé. Jamais ils ne doutent de leur intention. Provisoirement, les djihadistes privilégient la capture d'un avion entre Francfort et les Etats-Unis. Ils établissent une liste de sept compagnies possibles. Deux seront finalement choisies par les pirates du 11-Septembre : American Airlines et United Airlines (voir fac-similé). Dans son introduction, l'auteur de la note annonce : "Selon les services ouzbeks de renseignement, le projet d'un détournement d'avion semble avoir été discuté en début d'année 2000 lors d'une réunion à Kaboul entre des représentants de l'organisation d'Oussama Ben Laden…
Comme toutes les informations évoquant des risques contre des intérêts américains, la note a été transmise à la CIA par le service des relations extérieures de la DGSE, responsable des coopérations entre alliés (renommé depuis service des liaisons)."
2) I think that Prof. Moravcsik unfairly evaluates Ségolène Royal's ability with foreign policy. Although she has might (arguably) have less "direct" experience in foreign policy, she made it a point in the early days of her presidential campaign to go to various countries (not without some controversy though). Sarkozy's first choice was the UK, not excatly a political minefield like Royal's choices of China, Lebanon and Senegal. She also bothered to write a letter to French voters who live abroad, although hers is dated 9 days after Sarkozy's letter.
3) Royal's biggest "foreign policy" gaffe is not mentioned in the article. She stated sometime last week that she would refuse to shake George Bush's hand as if nothing had ever happened, as if we didn't disagree on tactical and strategic issues. Silly, but mostly it was said to point out that Sarkozy had done just that.
4) An interesting addition to this article would have been an evaluation of the French opinion abroad. Le Monde provided a good analysis several weeks ago.
15 April 2007
27 celsius - 81 fahrenheit
trop bo ce temps - du soleil, un petit vent frais, un dîner en terrasse avec des amis hier soir, c la joie totale de pouvoir passer du temps dehors, de flâner avec ses habits d'été, de voir le chat dormir au soleil dans l'appartement... et tout ça depuis mardi dernier !
14 April 2007
Nature or nurture?
This week, Sarkozy stated in a press interview that pedophilia and suicidial tendencies are genetically-determined diseases.
I've been wondering what is the cause of the different color African daisies on my balcony. They are from the same plant, same root, yet one branch has gone nearly white and the other branch has stayed its original purple color. Nature or nurture?
I've been wondering what is the cause of the different color African daisies on my balcony. They are from the same plant, same root, yet one branch has gone nearly white and the other branch has stayed its original purple color. Nature or nurture?
13 April 2007
spoonerism \SPOO-nuh-riz-uhm\, noun:
The transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words.
Some examples:
- We all know what it is to have a half-warmed fish ["half-formed wish"] inside us.
- The Lord is a shoving leopard ["loving shepherd"].
- It is kisstomary to cuss ["customary to kiss"] the bride.
- Is the bean dizzy ["dean busy"]?
- When the boys come back from France, we'll have the hags flung out ["flags hung out"]!
- Let me sew you to your sheet ["show you to your seat"].
Spoonerism comes from the name of the Rev. William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), a kindly but nervous Anglican clergyman and educationalist. All the above examples were committed by (or attributed to) him.
The transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words.
Some examples:
- We all know what it is to have a half-warmed fish ["half-formed wish"] inside us.
- The Lord is a shoving leopard ["loving shepherd"].
- It is kisstomary to cuss ["customary to kiss"] the bride.
- Is the bean dizzy ["dean busy"]?
- When the boys come back from France, we'll have the hags flung out ["flags hung out"]!
- Let me sew you to your sheet ["show you to your seat"].
Spoonerism comes from the name of the Rev. William Archibald Spooner (1844-1930), a kindly but nervous Anglican clergyman and educationalist. All the above examples were committed by (or attributed to) him.
03 April 2007
News from the other side of the ocean...
Is it possible??? Manuel Antonio Noriega, aka cara de piña, could be returning to the country he ruined with murders and hatred during his dictatorship? Ay, my abuela is turning in her grave!
See article from NewsMax.
See article from NewsMax.
Queen Rania of Jordan
I ran into her twice today at work. Once, around 1pm, she was waiting for the elevator with 3 bodyguards and 12-15 cm heels - dressed in a golden embroidered suit. very classy. too much though. i estimated she was about 40 (actually 37). loads of makeup. hair up. then when i left work around 7pm i actually had to wait to let her and her entourage pass. she was wearing a white pleated silk mini-skirt (or maybe bottom of her dress - difficult to know). very modern and fun. the wind was such that it started lifting up when she walked in - an older woman with her said with a laugh "marilyn monroe." um yeah that would probably be an insult to rania. she's got looks and smarts. no photos. sorry.
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