'US Americans', 'the Iraq' and 'everywhere such as' kills me.
29 August 2007
so 4 million other people thought this was worth watching...
28 August 2007
Aidez-nous à remettre la France sur les rails en signalant tout comportement suspect grâce à ce formulaire...
les délations, il y en a plus de 109 000. et sur le site du ministère de la culture* ! ah bon, c'est quoi exactement cette histoire?
tout d'abord, on lit dans le dico de l'académie française:
ensuite on lit le site on voit que c'est défendre la patrie, la France d'avant et d'après, le franchouillard, la baguette, le vin, le fromton, notre suprématie mondiale, bref, notre train de vie tralalère...
mes délations préférées :
*Ok c'est pas le vrai site, mais il y a un bonus - you can buy a tshirt
tout d'abord, on lit dans le dico de l'académie française:
1)DÉLATION n. f. XVIe siècle. Emprunté du latin delatio, « dénonciation ».
Dénonciation inspirée par l'intérêt, la haine, le désir de nuire ou le sectarisme. Les tyrans ont toujours encouragé la délation. Être victime d'une délation.
ensuite on lit le site on voit que c'est défendre la patrie, la France d'avant et d'après, le franchouillard, la baguette, le vin, le fromton, notre suprématie mondiale, bref, notre train de vie tralalère...
mes délations préférées :
- M. ou Mme X dénonce son/sa : Voisin, M.
Pour le ou les faits suivants :
Prend les transports en commun
Elle sort, elle rigole, elle travaille à mi-temps, elle voyage,elle raconte sa vie, elle discute et elle regarde même pas sa messagerie de son portable, de ce fait elle est inconsciente des delations dont elle fait l'objet.
Mme Serfati n'est pas un bon modèle républicain, que la police fasse son travail, et qu'elle l'expulse immédiatement dans son bâtiment(le D).
- M. ou Mme X dénonce son/sa : Voisin, Ibrahima X.
Pour le ou les faits suivants :
Les femmes le trouve plus sexy que moi.
Et l'ot jour il m'a repris sur ma façon de causer, y prétend qu'on doit dire démocratie et non pas comme je dis des mots crasseux.
C'est qui ké plus français lui ou moi bordel de merde.
- M. ou Mme X dénonce sa : Voisine, souasig .
Pour le ou les faits suivants :
A des gènes de gauchiste
N'écoute pas Johnny Hallyday
Ne croit pas au plein emploi d'ici 5 ans
porte un prenom breton (risque de terrorisme d'ici peu)
mange biologique (rique de contamination du quartier)
a un mari moustachu (preuve d'une adhesion aux idées de Mr Bové)
souris dans la rue et dis bonjour (les personnes agées ainsi que les enfants courent un danger non négligeable lorsqu'ils la croisent)
part en voyage à Cuba (preuve d'adhesion aux idées communistes)
amène sa fille au théâtre (risque pour cette derniere de ce retrouvé dans le clan peu fréquentable des intermittants et aux troubadours qui pullulent dans notre patrie)
*Ok c'est pas le vrai site, mais il y a un bonus - you can buy a tshirt
27 August 2007
sign of extreme boredom...
when you need to create another life for yourself (virtually) with Second Life.
sounds pathetic to me. everyone is living a fake life, with fake couples being made on fake premises. why don't these people just get some sleep and do it the old-fashioned way - dream? or better yet, go crazy on a 'real' adventure with your 'real' partner? afraid of reality perhaps?
à lire dans le monde, la cyberbigamie.
sounds pathetic to me. everyone is living a fake life, with fake couples being made on fake premises. why don't these people just get some sleep and do it the old-fashioned way - dream? or better yet, go crazy on a 'real' adventure with your 'real' partner? afraid of reality perhaps?
à lire dans le monde, la cyberbigamie.
vive les femmes (et les hommes anti-femmes)
une journaliste féministe aux US Ellen Goodman attribue des prix aux hommes, dont le
DESPERATE (TO GET) HOUSEWIVES PRIZE: This goes to the British researchers who report that housework reduces the risk of breast cancer. For urging women to scrub their way to better health, we offer them the dustbin of history.
22 August 2007
i bought an umbrella today...
nothing interesting about that right? well this might be the second umbrella i my in my lifetime. i don't like umbrellas. well not the object really - aesthetically they are kind of a neat pointy but round shape. my cat likes to play under one drying in the house (and no, i have not had bad luck for the rest of my life). cool patterns and fabrics can accessorize any otherwise drab day. and there even exists the umbrella for lovers.
so back to my story. my new umbrella is small-ish, cost less than 6 euros and is bright red. i was looking for something fun, but all i had at my disposal was monoprix and i am lucky i did not end up with a faux chanel umbrella. but it was raining tonight and i didn't want to use it. it's not because i am afraid of poking someone's brain out accidentally, or to drip on some poor umbrella-less person, all of which happen to meat a seemingly incessant rate. i guess i just don't like the constriction under an umbrella. you have to think about where you want to look and then move the umbrella. you have to think about where you are walking because you are now taking up more room. basically, it's limiting. and no one ever died from a bit of rain.
so why did i buy an umbrella? why didn't i just use my good old securite hat to get through the day? because it has been raining pretty hard nearly nonstop for 24 hours and i have a job at which i have to look semipresentable, which is a difficult enough task. no more bike commuting plus an umbrella... what a crappy day.
but tonight i really enjoyed walking home in the rain - not too heavy no hat and a great light across montmartre... and i need a new phone.
so back to my story. my new umbrella is small-ish, cost less than 6 euros and is bright red. i was looking for something fun, but all i had at my disposal was monoprix and i am lucky i did not end up with a faux chanel umbrella. but it was raining tonight and i didn't want to use it. it's not because i am afraid of poking someone's brain out accidentally, or to drip on some poor umbrella-less person, all of which happen to meat a seemingly incessant rate. i guess i just don't like the constriction under an umbrella. you have to think about where you want to look and then move the umbrella. you have to think about where you are walking because you are now taking up more room. basically, it's limiting. and no one ever died from a bit of rain.
so why did i buy an umbrella? why didn't i just use my good old securite hat to get through the day? because it has been raining pretty hard nearly nonstop for 24 hours and i have a job at which i have to look semipresentable, which is a difficult enough task. no more bike commuting plus an umbrella... what a crappy day.
but tonight i really enjoyed walking home in the rain - not too heavy no hat and a great light across montmartre... and i need a new phone.
21 August 2007
learning about the french
et on dit que la racaille française ressemble à la racaille ricaine... mais pas du tout ! on a de l'éducation ici, de la délicatesse. une vidéo à ne pas manquer...
gare aux cons
gare aux cons
16 August 2007
Sarkozy, bad summer related

Since Nicholas Sarkozy was elected in France, the weather in Paris has been poor. The summer has been highlighted not by the sun, but mostly by storms, rapidly changing weather, low temperatures and heavy rains. According to Meteo France, the month of July was considered "depressing," with cumulative rainfall three times higer than the average. The number of sunny days and the temperature recorded were also below average.
Is this a conspiracy against Delanoë's Paris Plages?
01 August 2007
in the past month, i have...
- escaped france to go to indonesia for two weeks.
- escaped the new velib craze in paris to go hiking in the alps.
- applauded an anti-sarko ad shown before movies at la villette to help refugees with children in french schools
- been trying to stay in shape by running more.
- bought a fun bikini and a one-piece bathing suit, with the idea of wearing the one-piece to exercise enough so i can fit into that bikini. i haven't worn either yet.
- avoided les soldes and only got 2 pairs of shoes, two bathing suits (see above), a tank top. i mostly haven't had the time to go shopping.
- kept on dreaming that i could travel the world and not have to work or work with fun travel.
- planned to escape often, but when and where to next?
- escaped the new velib craze in paris to go hiking in the alps.
- applauded an anti-sarko ad shown before movies at la villette to help refugees with children in french schools
- been trying to stay in shape by running more.
- bought a fun bikini and a one-piece bathing suit, with the idea of wearing the one-piece to exercise enough so i can fit into that bikini. i haven't worn either yet.
- avoided les soldes and only got 2 pairs of shoes, two bathing suits (see above), a tank top. i mostly haven't had the time to go shopping.
- kept on dreaming that i could travel the world and not have to work or work with fun travel.
- planned to escape often, but when and where to next?
A month and a half recovery...
Ok no more politics. no more jeers. there is more fun to be had in summery paris! which is anything but summery - today was sunny but still too chilly. has been grey all weekend. and way too chilly. i miss warm hot summers in philly. hot and humid yes. too-hot-to-be-in-the-sun type heat. yes. i miss it. i miss the oone-houre drive to the beach - yes the jersey shore - where to swim you have to be within a 10m wide surveillance area while an 18 year-old lifeguard flexes their muscles- and you can't enjoy the pleasure of the sea anymore. yes somehow i still miss all that. but that's the weather in paris' fault. if it were warm and sunny like we had a bit last summer in july (or was it june?) where it was so hot, it felt good on the skin.... aah those were the days. and they are not the days of today... it's august 1... i'm hoping ill get my summer soon enough.
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