27 March 2008

Gordon likes Carla

A little too close? Gordon Brown looks giddy next to Carla Bruni.

26 March 2008

The Eiffel Tower with a collar?

See it to believe it. There is currently a plan to put a "collar" around the Eiffel Tower so that it can hold more people on the coveted third floor viewing balcony. No one has heard of this bidding process so it is unlear if Serero has won or is just in the planning phase.
Ridiculous, if you ask me. All this to celebrate 120th anniversay. I wonder what is in store for the 150th?

23 March 2008

it's an embarrassing editorial...

it's gotten so bad that the Saturday paper editorial of the New York Times is commenting on the "bling-bling" aspect of our President. M. Sakrozy, can you please stop making the French the butt of all jokes? Merci beaucoup.

17 March 2008

recent outings

The Matterhorn - view from Zermatt village

The Matterhorn - view from an apple holder

Finishing the kitchen

Finishing the walls

checking out the floor tiles

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A new monthly post

To all my 7 fans out there ... thanks for your support during my period of silence!
I have nothing more to say today.
Thank you!