On a more serious note, I am really enjoying the difference between the Anglo press and the French media's depiction of these events. French media seems relatively calm about this (a little too much like the government).

Paris, mai 1968

Aulnay, novembre 2005
An interesting conversation with some folks this weekend:
- some were shocked that religious leaders wanted to be part of the mediation groups: religious leaders cannot be seen considered as a community member. the division between church and state here is extremely clear-cut, unlike in the US.
- sit and wait attitude was predominant. contain the violence and that's pretty much all you have to do.
- it's the fault of the juvenile justice system where kids under age 16 cannot be punished by law.
- the most extreme folks said that we need to halt ALL immigration to France because immigrants are causing all the trouble. (Actually many are of French nationality and of North African descent.)
(For those who don't know me, I disagree completely with all these views).
1 comment:
I have to say, it's been quite interesting seeing what is said where. I'm sure if I were still in Paris my friends and family would be asking if I was safe - and with the way the media in the US and Britain have covered it, they would have good reason for asking. Still, over 1000 cars burned is not exactly a quiet evening - to say nothing of buildings, and now, people. But the english language media has been a bit... breathless... about the whole thing.
To prove how much of a geek I am, I was reminded of the game 'civilization', where if you don't keep the populace of your cities happy, they revolt and the town looks as though it was on fire. It would appear Paris needs a few more entertainers (if the bread is fine, must be time for the circuses).
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