30 March 2007

another government lie detected...

The person who was the center of the riots in Paris this past week got upset after he jumped the turnstile and was contrôlé by the RATP and then police. The police and the (new, very young, very bold) minister of the interior said that Angelo Hoekelet was an illegal immigrant. In fact, as reported in this latest article in Le monde, he arrived in France in 1985 at age 11 as part of the (very commonplace) family reunification migration flow. Since then, he had received a deportation notice, which he appealed and won in September 2006 and he missed his meeting for a carte de séjour on 5 April (he was still detained then). So he has the right to be in France. Basta! Fin d'histoire! According to the cops, the mistake was because the system hadn't been updated (no apology given). The ministry has yet to issue a response (and probably won't).

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