23 September 2005

Interesting links about Houston

So it's déjà vu: local blogs are popping up, all major newspaper headlines are showing evacuation photos, traffic jams, closed stores, poor people stuck in the coastal towns, some areas looking like ghost towns, etc.

Here are a few links to keep you busy and informed:

Local Houston bloggers - http://houston.metblogs.com/


Traffic appears to be slowly clearing out this morning in Houston and north of the city - buses are evacuated those stuck in traffic without gas.

The news states that the hurricane is changing path, veering slightly east of Houston, so that the city might be spared. Are people going to let their guard down? Will people turn around and go home, given the traffic jams? High winds gusts and heavy rains are likely even all the way up to Polk County (Livingston), TX. And the levees might still be compromised at the Galveston coastline surf is rising quickly there). Let's hope this is no Alicia for the area (brief note on Alicia - retired name!).

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